0 Produce a tiny magical effect to surprise, delight, or confuse those around you.
1 Dazzle a nearby creature with an optical illusion.
1 Make a suggestive gesture, redirecting a hostile creature’s attention.
3 Conjure a major illusion that can be programmed with looping mechanics.
3/x Make a creature or object invisible.
1 Create illusory duplicates to confuse others.
2 Create an illusion of an incredibly annoying creature.
3/4 Design and conjure an illusory creature.
1 You briefly gain the ability to see beyond physical reality.
0/1 You telepathically send a message to a nearby creature, or open a link with them for a conversation.
1/4 You open a telepathic communication link with a creature, even if you don’t know where they are.
1 You enter the mind of a nearby creature and learn their language.
3 You gaze into the mind of a creature, learning their most prominent intention.
1 You summon an illusory bird that keeps watch over an area.
4 Summon an elaborate feast that restores the hit points of your guests.
2 Summon a small illusory servant that you can direct to scout ahead of you.
5 Create a secret dwelling in a shadow plane that only you and your friends can access.
1 Make a creature mildly confused about a specific subject.
1 Give a creature a deeply comforting dream that makes them feel beloved and forgiving.
1/4 Curse a nearby creature to behave absurdly.
4 Breach the mind of a creature to haunt them with their worst fear.
0 Launch a streaking bolt of sparks to harm an enemy or create a harmless firework.
4 Summon prismatic bolts that can impale and dazzle enemies.
2 Create a cascading wave of magic mischief that loosens things that are fastened or tightened.
3 Summon a small elastic ball that bounces chaotically, shattering small and fragile objects.
8 Dominate the mind of a nearby creature, taking complete control of them.
5 Conjure a fantastic hot air balloon from another dimension.
4 Glimpse the mind of a creature to summon an emotionally priceless gift for them.
5 Enter the dream of a creature to implant an idea in their mind.